woensdag 9 januari 2013

Wow awesome:)


I'm blogging in English, because I just saw that I had viewers from Germany and the UK. I really like that so I'm just going to make it understandable for you :)

Well, okay, my name is Rixt, I'm a Dutch girl, but I guess that's kinda obviously. I'm 12 years old, addicted to One Direction and I'm in the second grade of high school. I know our school system is probably different than in your country, but I'll explain this crap :) Okay, if you're 4 years old, you go to the first grade of the 'basisschool', you learn the base, okay, you'll have that 8 years long, (I had it 7 years, because I skipped a grade) and then you're going to high school. This is probably different too. In the last grade of the first school, you make a test, and that will show to which school you need to go. I'm on the gymnasium, and that's the highest 'level' of school. The other levels from low to high, are:
'Praktijk': This school is more about DOING than learning from books and shit.
'VMBO': I don't really know much about this kind of schools, I just know that on the 'VMBO' schools in my town, people are smoking weed, you know. Kinda weird yeah.  'VMBO' schools aren't one level, there are different "VMBO' studies.
'HAVO': This school is an higher level than "VMBO'. You have harder classes.
'VWO': This school is an higher level than 'HAVO'. So, it's hard. Yeah.
'GYMNASIUM': This school is very special. It has the same subjects as 'VWO', but you also have the subject Latin and Greek. These are classic languages, so Greek is not the Greek of now, but the Greek of around 3000 years ago.

'And why are there different levels?'
Because, if you're graduated from your high school, you can choose a study for a job, like a technic study, or a study German, or English :) And if you're graduated from 'VWO' of 'GYMNASIUM' you can go to the university. That's good, like, makin' money good, and smart good and shit lol.

Okay, you probably won't understand it really well, but my English is not perfect, so I hope you will make something from it.

i don't have a boyfriend, because I'm forever alone. I guess a lot of girls has this and don't feel like ur shit, CAUSE YOU'RE DON'T. Look, it doesn't matter. Okay, you will get a boyfriend, except me. I'm going to die with 72 cats. But I don't care.

Oh yeah, my motto is HAKUNA MATATA. YOLO is just not original-ish. Hakuna Matata is awesome.

I'm also iPod addicted and stuff but yeah, why do u care? :P

I hope you enjoyed it, if you did understand it, but okay.

I'm going to post another time and I'm going to teach you some words lol :)


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